We go out
The mission of the BEFG is the mission of all Christians: to share the Good News of God’s love with all people and serve our neighbours. Evangelism and community work go hand in hand in the BEFG.
Baptist and Brethren congregations witness to their faith in the merciful God by word and deed. In manifold ways they preach the kingdom of God and invite people to believe. In nurseries, programmes for refugees or the homeless, with indoor playgrounds, homework tutoring, counselling in difficult situations and much more, local churches in the BEFG live their mission to serve and practise charity. Transregional networks support those with Multiple Sclerosis or victims of human trafficking. There are several independent charitable organisations running hospitals, retirement homes, hospices and counselling centres within the Union. The BEFG is a member of the Protestant Agency for Community Work and Development (Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung), an affiliation of Diakonie Germany and Bread for the World – Evangelical Development Service (Brot für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst) and of the Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany (Evangelisches Missionswerk).
The Missions Department uses creative concepts to help congregations within the BEFG to discover their own evangelistic profile, to be open to all people and to be a church for the community. This department supports church planting, intercultural programmes and integration. It also coordinates and supports social activities in the local churches. Outside of Germany it coordinates social and missionary projects, humanitarian aid, disaster relief and community-oriented church development.